Tuesday, October 29, 2013

First time blogging!

I've never blogged before. Not sure why since I love to talk! I've recently applied for the Disney Moms Panel and have made it to round 2. In another week or so, I should find out if I've made it to round 3. It's a bit nerve wracking being in limbo here. I would love to be on the panel! So, here I sit, with my fingers crossed.

A few weeks ago I completed my first Warrior Dash with my beautiful step sister in tow. I won't say how long it took us to finish, but, I will say that at least we crossed that finish line! My mom has signed my dad, sister (the other one), DH, and I up for another one in May. Really need to keep training for that....I'll start next week. ha!

I guess that's all for now. Tonight, I'll be cooking something new for dinner so I'll post about that (including pictures) and let you all know if it turns out good!

Hope you all have a wonderfully magical day!

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