Friday, November 8, 2013

Bad week....or is it?

It's been a week. Bradley has been out of town on business. Anthony has had yet another ear infection (that would make #5, one more and off to the ENT we go).
I'm still waiting for news on whether I will move on to Round 3 of Disney Parks Moms Panel (hopefully I will hear something by Wednesday since it has been said that emails won't go out Monday or Tuesday).
Last night, this happened....

3 of my 4 kids were happy and getting along! It's rare that there isn't screaming of some sort, so this was a real treat! ha!
Even funnier was the baby....every time Ally or I would go to take a picture, he would smile and then want to see the picture.
Reminds me that even if the week seems to be not perfect, little things can turn it into a perfect one!

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